They have the ability to mug enemies to gain coins, and can also gain coins from enemy attacks. They also have two defensive skills to help their otherwise meager defenses. Their standard attacks are slow and not very powerful, but they have powerful magical attacks and skills. Magicians are the main offensive magical class in the game. Arrow Shower is another skill, which fires a shower of arrows at the enemies. Their skills include a Backstep skill which quickly moves the character out of the way of melee attacks. While they have a limited supply of arrows, a create arrow skill allows more to be created at the press of a button.

ArcherĪrchers are a ranged attack class that use a bow & arrows as their primary attack. This makes them very useful when playing cooperatively. Their attacks are very limited in power, but features healing and an "Increase Agility" skill that can increase the move speed of any character. Male and female variants have slightly different attacks and skills. Ragnarok Battle Offline features the same seven classes as Ragnarok Online's original classes, one of which must be unlocked. An unofficial translation patch for the Japanese version also exists making importing a more viable option for westerners. Despite an English translation existing for the Philippines release, it has not recieved a release in western territories. Originally only released in Japan, it's popularity has lead to the release in other east Asia countries including Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan and The Philippines. It also has three expansion packs, each featuring extra scenarios. It supports local multiplayer for up to 3 people to play cooperatively. Ragnarok Battle Offline, or RBO as it is commonly known is a 2D side scrolling brawler, closely based on the MMO by Gravity Corp, Ragnarok Online.